What styles and genres of music do you promote

Music has no boundaries, so we promote all styles and genres, including most popular EDM, Hip-Hop and Rap.

Can i promote same track multiple times

Yes, you can, but on one condition, if you haven't done it to maximum of package. If you have used maximum package, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to promote it again.

Is this a real promotion and safe for me

We only use real and organic ways to promote your music, it's completely safe for your profile and tracks.

The price is for 1 track or i can send a playlist

All prices are for 1 track, if you want to promote several tracks, then you need to multiply package you have chosen by number of tracks.

Delivery time of my promotion package

Delivery times are indicated in each promotion package, trust us, we try to fulfill your order as soon as possible.

You have a money back guarantee

Yes, of course, but on condition that we do not fulfill your order within specified delivery time.

Can you promote more than 1 order at once

Yes of course we can. If you have submitted several of your tracks at same time, we will try to make them as soon as possible.

Delivery time means promotion days for my order

No, this is delivery time for your order, we can start it on the first or last day, depending on our workload and your order.

Is my confidentiality and anonymity

All our services are confidential and anonymous, and no one will ever know what you ordered from us (unless you tell them yourself).

What indicators can i expect after your promotion

All indicators depend on package you choose, as well as your track.

How will you promote my order

For more than 10 years now, we have been collecting our fan base and building from it a huge network of real artists, labels, music channels and just listeners. We will share your track on our network, according to your order, where thousands of people will hear you.